Examples of SmartMag Featured Grids

There are many featured grid blocks included in Smart Studio for one-click insert in Elementor. These are just a few examples. With our unique customization features, you can literally create Unlimited Blocks!

Full Width Variation

Section set to full width with a custom gap in settings.

Grid Equals 2 & 3

There are  2 or 3 equal columns shown here. You may use up to 5 equal columns on site or full width.

2 Columns with Centered and Overlay B. Using custom gap.

3 Columns Equals

3 Columns Centered

Grid Equals Full Width 4 & 5

Set to full width, with overlay style B, and centered content.

5 Equal Columns

Slider Examples

Slider can be enabled on all of the grids above. Here’s an example using Grid 2.

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